The Missoula 4-H Team
Natalie Arnott - Two Rivers 4-H Club
Stevie Gaudreau - Rocky Mountain Packers 4-H Club
Natalie Abbot - At Large 4-H Member
Kandra Boler-Rummel - Zootown 4-H Club
Jacey Sawyer - Frenchtown Valley 4-H Club
The Envirothon competition consists of written tests in the areas of Aquatics, Forestry, Range, Soils and Wildlife. Each year, the topic for the oral presentations changes. This year's topic was Urban Forestry. After taking the five very difficult written tests as a group on Monday morning, the teams went to a local park to study the Urban Forestry issue. Team members divided up and each attended separate workshops where natural resource professionals discussed Urban Forestry as it relates to each of the different topic areas (Wildlife, Soils, etc.). Participants were allowed to take notes at each of these stations, which could be used later as they re-joined their teammates to prepare their 10 minute oral presentation on the current Urban Forestry topic.
After being sequestered at the Fergus County Fairgrounds all day Monday without their cell phones, the teams got a chance to unwind and rest up before oral presentations on Tuesday morning. Following the presentations, the group assembled to listen to guest speaker Lane Norlund, Farm Broadcaster with Northern Broadcasting, and former Envirothon competitor. During the "killing time" Montana trivia competition before the top 3 oral presentations were announced, Missoula 4-H took 2nd Place overall!
Heading into the Awards Luncheon, while our team felt good about their performance, we were realistic. There was some power house competition out there. The team's Forestry test score was 10th place overall, and the team placed 26th overall - including all 5 test scores and the oral presentation score. It was a very educational trip, the drive was beautiful, and everyone had fun. We will be back in 2016!
Congratulations to Missoula FFA!
Top FFA Team in the State.
Team members were Ryan Handley, Jon Andres and Michaela Zimmerman (these 3 are also Missoula 4-H members), Emily Standley and Grant Panion.
Beautiful weather as we drove through central Montana!
We all felt a little run down after 5 hours in the minivan together.
Just east of Great Falls.
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