Monday, May 11, 2015

A Screamin' Good Time at Market Hog Tagging

 One of 196 Market Hogs getting ready to receive a fancy new ear tag and stylish identification tattoo.

Market Hog tagging for the 2015 Western Montana Fair was held April 16th, at the Fairgrounds in Missoula (for 4-H members) and at the MCPS Ag Education Center (for FFA members).  Because of the current risk of spreading the PED virus, we aren't weighing market hogs, and we take extra precautions when handling them at tagging - including holding the event at separate locations instead of bringing everyone to the Ag Education Center, which has an active hog breeding program.

Raising market hogs is sometimes a team effort - carrying them definitely is!

In order to be eligible to show market hogs at the 2015 Western Montana Fair, 4-H and FFA exhibitors need to have their hogs ear tagged and tattooed at the annual hog tagging event, 3rd Thursday in April.  This year, we tagged 196 hogs.  Exhibitors can tag up to two market hogs in April, but can only bring one market hog to the Fair in August.  The number of 4-H members enrolled in the Market Hog Project was up this year by 14, so we are expecting around 140 hogs to be shown at the Fair on August 13th (market/conformation classes) and August 14th (showmanship).  All market hogs that weigh at least 220 lbs. by the Fair weigh-in on August 11th, and receive at least a Red ribbon from the judge, are eligible to sell at the 4-H/FFA Livestock Sale on Saturday, August 15th, at the Fairgrounds.

There are more market hogs than any other species of animal sold at the Fair, so be sure to start promoting the Livestock Sale to past and potential buyers.  Anyone with disposable income and an interest in supporting 4-H and FFA youth is a potential buyer.  Relatives, friends and business owners your family spends money with are all great people to invite to the sale.  If you speak to someone who is interested but unsure, invite them to come to the sale and just watch, so they can see how it all works, and even get a free breakfast - sponsored by Mountain West Coop.  The more potential buyers we can get around the sale ring, the better your prices will be!

More photos are online at our 4-H Facebook page.

Friday, May 8, 2015

May 4-H News

This information was emailed to Club Leaders on May 4th, and then on May 6th to all families with youth enrolled in Missoula County 4-H.  If you believe you were not included on that email , please contact Colleen at the 4-H Office. 

[Edited 5/11/15 - see Rabbit Project below]

[Edited 5/5/15 - see Robotics Project below]

4-H Ambassador Applications
  • We select the 2015-16 Ambassador Team in May, and members serve through next July.
  • Applications are due May 15th, and interviews will be held May 27th.  Applications are online at the 4-H Forms page.
Market Lamb/Goat Weigh-in
  • For anyone planning to show/sell a Market Lamb or Goat at the Western Montana Fair – this is for you!
  • 5-7pm on Thursday, May 21st, at the MCPS Ag Education Center (on South Ave, west of Big Sky HS on the left) map below 

 4-H Camp sign-ups Due May 29th
  • Multi-County 4-H Camp will be June 16-19 this year.
  • Our 4-H Camp Counselors have been busy since March planning for an awesome Camp – this year’s theme is Around the World.
  • Camp is $130, and is open to youth ages 8-12 (age on Oct 1, 2014).
  • A registration form is online at the 4-H Forms page.
    • New this year: You can register for camp online at this link.

4-H Livestock Sale promotion
  • The Sale Marketing Committee has asked each 4-H Club to come up with 10 names/addresses for potential livestock buyers (who haven’t bought recently) so we can invite them to the sale with a Save the Date card (in addition to your personal invitation, of course).  Please email names/addresses to Campbell.  The Sale will be Saturday, August 15th, starting at 8am.


Dog Project
  • Just a reminder that the Dog Project is meeting at the Fort Missoula Dog Park now, not at the Fairgrounds.  May 6th and 20th, 6:30pm.
Poultry Project
  • Because of the Rocky Mountain Poultry Association's Spring Fling on May 2nd, the regular (3rd Tuesday) monthly Poultry Project meeting will not take place in May.
Meat Goat Project
  • County meetings normally take place the 3rd Wednesday of each month.  Since there will be a Meat Goat workshop at Extravaganza (May 7th) and Goat weigh-in is May 21st, there will be no Project meeting at the Extension Office this month.
Robotics Project
  • We skipped April, but we're back on track for May.  A county-wide Robotics Project meeting will be held at the Extension Office on Friday, May 15th, starting at 6:30pm.  Contact Beth Copenhaver with questions.
Horse Project
  • May 17th – It’s been a few years, but we’re bringing back the “Mandatory May Clinic.”  Members who are new to 4-H Horse, older members who have a new project horse, older members who are starting in a new project area (i.e. Ranch Horse, Packing, Western Games), or members who want to skip a level (e.g. Western Horsemanship 2 to 4) should plan to attend.  
  • Monthly Horse Project meetings at the Extension Office.  Because the regular date (3rd Thursday) is also Sheep/Goat weigh-in this month, the Horse Project will meet at another date in May.  Contact Cindy Arnott with questions.
Rabbit Project
  • The regular monthly meeting (4th Thursday 6:30pm) of the county-wide Rabbit Project meeting will not be held in May.  Instead, please see the note below from Wendy and Carla:

We will NOT be holding our monthly rabbit meeting on the fourth Thursday this month. We would like everyone to try to attend the Western Montana Rabbit/Cavy show the weekend of May 23rd.  It is a 3 day Show, you may attend/enter one show or all three days (5shows).

We would LOVE to see 4-H kids bring their rabbits to the Friday night youth show.  This is a 'breed' show, so your rabbit will be judged on how it meets the ARBA Breed Standard and needs to be entered by it's class.

Please read the catalog (online here) and let Wendy know if you have questions.  Your entries need to be mailed in with payment soon!  Wendy is happy to tattoo any 4-H rabbits.  Remember it is part of our fair rules this year that all rabbits have a permanent tattoo by our fair as well.

There will be plenty of rabbits/cavies for sale if you are looking for new stock.

Thanks, Wendy/Carla

Shotgun Project
  • Weekly 4-H Shotgun Project meetings will begin May 26th, 6pm at Missoula Trap & Skeet.  Must attend the safety meeting on May 26th to participate.  Contact Dave Clarke with questions.


Montana 4-H Foundation $5.00 per Member Donation
  • The 4-H Foundation requests every year that Counties make a $5 per member donation.  In addition to 4-H Scholarships, the Foundation contributes to many statewide 4-H events annually.  In recent years, Missoula 4-H has not been a consistent contributor to this effort.  The Missoula 4-H Council voted recently to turn to the 4-H Clubs to help meet this commitment.  Clubs could decide whether to charge a $5 per member fee, do a special fundraiser to cover the donation, or cover the donation through the fundraisers you already do. 
  • The 4-H Ambassadors have been making the rounds speaking to 4-H Clubs about the benefits of contributing to the 4-H Foundation, and about opportunities available to 4-H members statewide.  If you would like the Ambassadors to visit your club, please contact Shana Duffalo. 
  • Checks should be made to the Montana 4-H Foundation, and sent to Colleen at the Missoula office and we will mail them all to Bozeman.  Contributions made by May 31st will recognized at Montana 4-H Congress in July.  If you have questions, contact a 4-H Council Board member, or the Missoula Extension Office.

Missoula 4-H Calendar online
  • If you don’t have it bookmarked, just Google “Missoula 4-H,” then click the 4-H Calendar of Events link on the bottom left of the 4-H page.
  • All of these dates and many more are on the Missoula 4-H calendar online.  Go to this link, and you can click on the event for more information.

Monthly County-wide Project meetings
There are currently county-wide project meetings going on for the following projects.  Anyone enrolled (or interested in) the project can attend these meetings.
  • Dog (May 6th and 20th) meeting at the Fort now, not the Fairgrounds  
  • Robotics (May 15th) contact Beth Copenhaver w/ question  
  • Rabbit (4th Thursday) Not meeting in May because of the WMRF Show May 22-24.
  • Poultry (3rd Tuesday) Not meeting in May because of the RMPA Show on May 2nd.
  • Meat Goat (3rd Wednesday) Not meeting in May because of Extravaganza ws May 7th.  
  • Horse (3rd Thursday) Meeting at another date in May – contact Cindy Arnott w/ questions.
Monthly 4-H Committee meetings
These committees that plan events and discuss the rules and policies surrounding them meet monthly.  Anyone can attend these meetings.
  • 4-H Council Board (1st Wednesday, 6pm at the Extension Office)
  • 4-H Horse Committee (2nd Wednesday, 7pm at the Extension Office)
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Committee [2nd Thursday (normally 1st Th), 6pm at the Extension Office]
  • 4-H Livestock Committee (2nd Thursday, 7pm at the Extension Office)

Great Food, Fun and Learning - The 4-H Extravaganza!

The Annual 4-H Extravaganza was held May 7th, at the MCPS Ag Education Center.  Dinner was sponsored and served by the Missoula Area Chamber of Commerce's Agri-Business Committee.  The Committee has sponsored the dinner for decades - this event may have gone away years ago without their continued support.

Members of the Chamber's Agri-Business Committee serving dinner.  Mmmm...bacon!

4-H families from the Potomac Valley club enjoying the great meal.

In addition to a free dinner, which included bacon cheese burgers, Jody Wills' famous baked beans, potato salad, chips and ice cream bars - all donated by Committee members - the 4-H Ambassadors opened the event with the US and 4-H pledges, and everyone headed off to their workshops.  Eighty 4-H members representing 13 of Missoula County's 15 Clubs, along with nearly 20 FFA members and assorted 4-H parents, had the opportunity to attend four workshops on topics ranging from Market Hog Showmanship and Rabbit Judging to Livestock Evaluation and Dance.  Workshops were taught by adult and youth 4-H Volunteers, and by FFA Students.  Everyone in attendance left well fed and better informed.  Thanks to all of the volunteer instructors!

Spring is a busy time of year.  In addition to our attempts to provide workshops that are useful and interesting to the 4-H families, the 4-H Council Board provides some extra incentive to the 4-H Clubs to promote the event to their members by offering two $100 cash prizes.  One is awarded to the 4-H Club with the most members present, the other is awarded to the club with the highest percentage of their members present.  This year's recipients, both new 4-H Clubs, un-seated two long-standing champions. 
  • 4-H Club with the Most Members Present: Two Rivers 4-H Club (15 members present)
  • 4-H Club with the Highest Percentage of Members Present: Zootown 4-H Club (7 of 9 for 77.8%)
Honorable Mention goes to the Lolo New Kidz 4-H Club (9 of 14 for 64.3%), Mullan Trail Mustangs and Potomac Valley 4-H Clubs (both with 13 members present).

Door prizes were sponsored by the 4-H Office, and a few anonymous donors.  Names were drawn, and $200 in gift cards to Murdoch's, Cenex and AxMen were awarded, along with an assortment of 4-H paraphernalia and Frisbees.  Thanks again to all the instructors, Missoula FFA, the Chamber Agri-Business Committee, and the 4-H families who attended.

 One of the most popular - and definitely the cutest - was the Rabbit Judging workshop.

Wally Congdon's Livestock Evaluation in Layman's Terms was a big hit with the Livestock Project families.

 The Dance workshop taught by the FFA students was a big hit!

More photos are online at our 4-H Facebook page.

If you have ideas for workshops for the 2016 Extravaganza, please email Campbell.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Missoula takes Top 4-H Honors at 2015 Montana Envirothon

While the headline is completely misleading, it's also completely true.  Missoula County had the only 4-H team to compete in this year's Montana Envirothon.  On April 20th and 21st, our 4-H team of five competed in Lewistown, MT, against 35 other teams from all across Montana.  Sixteen FFA teams, 19 High School teams and our lone 4-H team participated in the competition, which is sponsored by Montana's Conservation Districts.

 The Missoula 4-H Team
Natalie Arnott - Two Rivers 4-H Club
Stevie Gaudreau - Rocky Mountain Packers 4-H Club
Natalie Abbot - At Large 4-H Member
Kandra Boler-Rummel - Zootown 4-H Club
Jacey Sawyer - Frenchtown Valley 4-H Club

The Envirothon competition consists of written tests in the areas of Aquatics, Forestry, Range, Soils and Wildlife.  Each year, the topic for the oral presentations changes.  This year's topic was Urban Forestry.  After taking the five very difficult written tests as a group on Monday morning, the teams went to a local park to study the Urban Forestry issue.  Team members divided up and each attended separate workshops where natural resource professionals discussed Urban Forestry as it relates to each of the different topic areas (Wildlife, Soils, etc.).  Participants were allowed to take notes at each of these stations, which could be used later as they re-joined their teammates to prepare their 10 minute oral presentation on the current Urban Forestry topic.

After being sequestered at the Fergus County Fairgrounds all day Monday without their cell phones, the teams got a chance to unwind and rest up before oral presentations on Tuesday morning.  Following the presentations, the group assembled to listen to guest speaker Lane Norlund, Farm Broadcaster with  Northern Broadcasting, and former Envirothon competitor.  During the "killing time" Montana trivia competition before the top 3 oral presentations were announced, Missoula 4-H took 2nd Place overall!

Heading into the Awards Luncheon, while our team felt good about their performance, we were realistic.  There was some power house competition out there.  The team's Forestry test score was 10th place overall, and the team placed 26th overall - including all 5 test scores and the oral presentation score.  It was a very educational trip, the drive was beautiful, and everyone had fun.  We will be back in 2016!

Congratulations to Missoula FFA!
 Top FFA Team in the State.
Team members were Ryan Handley, Jon Andres and Michaela Zimmerman (these 3 are also Missoula 4-H members), Emily Standley and Grant Panion.

Beautiful weather as we drove through central Montana!

 We all felt a little run down after 5 hours in the minivan together.

 Just east of Great Falls.

2015 Livestock Judging - It's Official!

On April 18th, 2015, thirty-four 4-H and FFA members from Missoula, Sweet Grass, Powell and Granite Counties met at the MCPS Ag Education Center for the annual Missoula Invitational 4-H/FFA Livestock Judging Contest.

This year's Official Judges were Jon Andres and Ryan Handley, both currently members of Missoula 4-H and Missoula FFA.  Jon and Ryan have competed in a number of Livestock Judging competitions in both FFA and 4-H, and both represented Montana 4-H at the Western National Roundup in Denver, CO, in 2014.  They helped organize the contest, selected the classes, hand picked the animals, did the official placings on each class, and with the help of Sweet Grass County Extension agent Marc King, learned about determining "cuts," (the number of penalty points taken from a perfect score of 50 for mixing up the placing of animals in each class).

Ryan Handley giving the official reasons for this class of Sows with Records.

Eleven Missoula 4-H members from four different club competed for Individual Rosettes (places 1-6), Team Ribbons (places 1-3), an embroidered duffle bag (Top Novice Judge) and Montana Silversmiths buckles (Top Junior and Top Senior Judges).

Awards were sponsored by 
  • Junior 4-H Buckle - Bear Creek Buckaroos 4-H Club
  • Senior 4-H Buckle - Warehime Angus, Potomac, MT
  • FFA Buckle - R&L Lite Excavation, Lolo, MT
  • Embroidered Duffle - Glacier Ice Rink, Missoula, MT
  • Ribbons/Rosettes - D.G. Miller, Inc., Florence, MT and Missoula Concrete Construction, Missoula, MT
Jon Andres giving the official reasons for this class of Heifers.

All participants judged eight classes of animals, and took a Veterinary Tool ID quiz.  Seniors and FFA members gave reasons on three classes of animals, Juniors gave reasons on two classes, and Novices gave an optional set of reasons on one class.  The top four Senior 4-H members from Missoula are eligible to represent Missoula County at the State 4-H Livestock Judging Contest in July during Montana 4-H Congress.  The Missoula 4-H members who palced in the top six individually, and top three teams, are listed below.

Senior Teams

First Place (all from the Mullan Trail Mustangs 4-H Club)
  • Kyle Glenn
  • Michaela Zimmerman
  • Zac Zimmerman
  • Bryce Wildeboer
Senior Individuals
  • First Place - Kyle Glenn
  • Second Place - Michaela Zimmerman
  • Fourth Place - Zac Zimmerman
  • Fifth Place - Bryce Wildeboer
Junior Teams

Third Place (combined team of Missoula and Powell County members)
  • Tori Foster - Blue Mountaion 4-H Club
  • Danielle Sexton - Seeley Lake 4-H Club
Novice Teams

First Place (combined team of Missoula, Granite and Sweet Grass County members)
  • Abby Riska - Blue Mountain 4-H Club
Second Place
  • Kallie Rummel - Zootown 4-H Club
  • Adam Wildeboer - Mullan Trail Mustangs
  • Juston West - Mullan Trail Mustangs
  • Colter McWilliams - Mullan Trail Mustangs
Novice Individuals
  • Second Place - Colter McWilliams
  • Third Place - Abby Riska
  • Fifth Place - Adam Wildeboer
  • Sixth Place - Juston West
Thanks to everyone who traveled to Missoula for this contest, thanks to Cindy Arnott and Susan Standley for organizing lunch, thanks to Missoula FFA for hosting the event, thanks to Cindy (again) for organizing and running the score room, thanks to Jon and Ryan - best Officials ever, thanks to Marc King for keeping our officials in line, and thanks to our awards sponsors for helping to ensure that the 4-H Livestock Committee is able to hold this event every year!

Max Andres giving a set of reasons to his brother Jon, one of the Official judges.
You're a good sport, Max!